{ ----------------------------------- plugin.hを変換 EmEditor v6.00.2対応版 2007/08/07 ・作成 2007/08/09 ・EP_GET_NAMEの定義がIFDEFとIFNDEFと逆に指定されていたため プラグインプロパティ画面が文字化けしていたので修正 //----------------------------------- } unit plugin; interface uses Windows, Messages; //──────────────────── {$IFNDEF CLR_NONE} const CLR_NONE = $FFFFFFFF; {$ENDIF} const REG_VERSION = 3; const SPECIAL_SYNTAX_NONE= 0; const SPECIAL_SYNTAX_HTML= 1; const SPECIAL_SYNTAX_HTML_EMBEDDED= 2; const MAX_FIND_HISTORY= 32; const MIN_RECENT_FILE= 0; const MAX_RECENT_FILE= 64; const DEF_RECENT_FILE= 8; const DEFAULT_COLOR = (MAXLONG-1); const SIGNATURE_FACE_LIST = $00FF0000; const SIGNATURE_HILITE_LIST = $00FF0100; const SIGNATURE_FIND_LIST = $00FF0200; const SIGNATURE_PIK_LIST = $00FF0300; const SIGNATURE_PIB_LIST_2 = $00FF0401; const SIGNATURE_ASSOCIATE_LIST = $00FF0500; const SIGNATURE_CODEPAGE_LIST_2 = $00FF0601; const SIGNATURE_MENU_LIST = $00FF0700; const SIGNATURE_TOOL_LIST = $00FF0800; const SIGNATURE_PIK_T_LIST = $00FF0900; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTW = $00FF0A00; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTA = $00FF0A01; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTW_2= $00FF0A02; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTA_2= $00FF0A03; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTW_3= $00FF0A06; const SIGNATURE_WORKSPACE_LISTA_3= $00FF0A07; const SIGNATURE_PIK_M_LIST = $00FF0B00; const SIGNATURE_MACRO_LANG_LIST = $00FF0C00; const MAX_CODEPAGE_NAME= 80; const CHARSET_DEFAULT = 0; const CHARSET_ARABIC = 1; const CHARSET_BALTIC = 2; const CHARSET_CENTRAL_EUROPE = 3; const CHARSET_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 4; const CHARSET_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL= 5; const CHARSET_CYRILLIC = 6; const CHARSET_GREEK = 7; const CHARSET_HEBREW = 8; const CHARSET_JAPANESE = 9; const CHARSET_KOREAN = 10; const CHARSET_THAI = 11; const CHARSET_TURKISH = 12; const CHARSET_VIETNAMESE = 13; const CHARSET_WESTERN_EUROPE = 14; const CHARSET_OEM = 15; const CHARSET_RESERVED_4 = 16; const CHARSET_RESERVED_3 = 17; const CHARSET_RESERVED_2 = 18; const CHARSET_RESERVED_1 = 19; const MAX_CHARSET = 20; const MAX_USED_CHARSET = 16; const CODEPAGE_ANSI = 65536; const CODEPAGE_UNICODE = 65537; const CODEPAGE_UTF16LE = CODEPAGE_UNICODE; const CODEPAGE_UNICODE_BIGENDIAN = 65538; const CODEPAGE_UTF16BE = CODEPAGE_UNICODE_BIGENDIAN; const CODEPAGE_UTF8 = 65001; const CODEPAGE_UTF7 = 65000; const CODEPAGE_ANSI_FIRST = 4; const CODEPAGE_ANSI_LAST = 64999; const CODEPAGE_932 = 932; // Japanese Shift-JIS const CODEPAGE_JIS = 65616; // Japanese JIS const CODEPAGE_EUC = 65617; // Japanese EUC const CODEPAGE_DETECT_UNICODE = $00020000; const CODEPAGE_DETECT_UTF8 = $00040000; // v3.15 const CODEPAGE_DETECT_CHARSET = $00080000; // v3.15 const CODEPAGE_DETECT_ALL = $00100000; // v3.15 const CODEPAGE_MASK = $0001ffff; const CODEPAGE_AUTO_SJIS_JIS = 66049; // (default read for Japanese version) const CODEPAGE_AUTO_SJIS_JIS_EUC = 66050; // read only const CODEPAGE_UNKNOWN = 66304; // internal use only const CODEPAGE_MAYBE_EUC = 66305; // internal use only const CODEPAGE_CONFIG = 66307; // internal use only const DEF_UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = 1000000; const MIN_UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = 10; const MAX_UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = $0aaaaaa9; const MAX_PLUG_IN_NAME = 80; const MAX_FILTER_LENGTH = 256; const MAX_CONFIG_NAME = 260; const MAX_ASSOCIATE_LENGTH = 16; const MAX_HEADER = 116; // was 128 before v3.16 const MAX_FOOTER = 116; // was 128 before v3.16 const MAX_KINSOKU_BEGIN = 128; const MAX_KINSOKU_END = 128; const MAX_MULTI_COMMENT_BEGIN= 16; const MAX_MULTI_COMMENT_END = 16; const MAX_LINE_COMMENT = 4; // v3.16 const MAX_SCRIPT_BEGIN = 8; // v3.16 const MAX_SCRIPT_END = 8; // v3.16 const MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH = 80; const MAX_FILE_FILTER = 128; const MAX_DEF_EXT = 128; const MAX_PREFIX_LIST = 40; const SMART_COLOR_NONE = (-1); const SMART_COLOR_NORMAL = 0; const SMART_COLOR_SEL = 1; const SMART_COLOR_CURLINE = 2; const SMART_COLOR_QUOTE = 3; const SMART_COLOR_FIND = 4; const SMART_COLOR_LINK_URL = 5; const SMART_COLOR_LINK_ID = 6; const SMART_COLOR_LINK_TAG = 7; const SMART_COLOR_SINGLE_QUOTES = 8; const SMART_COLOR_DOUBLE_QUOTES = 9; const SMART_COLOR_COMMENT = 10; const SMART_COLOR_SCRIPT = 11; const SMART_COLOR_BRACES = 12; const SMART_COLOR_IN_TAG = 13; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_1 = 14; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_2 = 15; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_3 = 16; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_4 = 17; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_5 = 18; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_6 = 19; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_7 = 20; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_8 = 21; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_9 = 22; const SMART_COLOR_HILITE_10 = 23; const SMART_COLOR_RETURN = 24; const SMART_COLOR_LINE = 25; const SMART_COLOR_PAGE_LINE = 26; const SMART_COLOR_LINE_NUMBER = 27; const SMART_COLOR_RULER = 28; const SMART_COLOR_OUTSIDE = 29; const MAX_SMART_COLOR = 30; {$IFNDEF UNICODE} const SMART_COLOR_NON_UNICODE = $40; const SMART_COLOR_MASK = $3f; {$ENDIF} const SMART_COLOR_FONT_NORMAL = 0; const SMART_COLOR_FONT_UNDERLINE = 1; const SMART_COLOR_FONT_BOLD = 2; const SMART_COLOR_FONT_ITALIC = 3; const QUOTE_NONE = 0; const QUOTE_SINGLE = 1; const QUOTE_DOUBLE = 2; const QUOTE_BOTH = 3; const QUOTE_CONTINUE = 4; // v6 const CUSTOM_BAR_LEFT = 0; const CUSTOM_BAR_TOP = 1; const CUSTOM_BAR_RIGHT = 2; const CUSTOM_BAR_BOTTOM = 3; const MAX_CUSTOM_BAR = 4; // events const EVENT_SEL_CHANGED = $00000010; const EVENT_CARET_MOVED = $00000020; const EVENT_MODIFIED = $00000040; const EVENT_SCROLL = $00000080; const EVENT_CONFIG_CHANGED = $00000100; const EVENT_CHANGE = $00000200; const EVENT_CREATE = $00000400; const EVENT_CLOSE = $00000800; const EVENT_KILL_FOCUS = $00001000; const EVENT_SET_FOCUS = $00002000; const EVENT_CHAR = $00004000; const EVENT_FILE_OPENED = $00008000; // new events for v5 const EVENT_CREATE_FRAME = $00010000; const EVENT_CLOSE_FRAME = $00020000; const EVENT_DOC_SEL_CHANGED = $00040000; const EVENT_TAB_MOVED = $00080000; const EVENT_DOC_CLOSE = $00100000; // new events for v6 const EVENT_IDLE = $00200000; const EVENT_CUSTOM_BAR_CLOSED = $00400000; const EVENT_CUSTOM_BAR_CLOSING = $00800000; //?typedef void *HEEDOC; // EE_LOAD_FILE type _LOAD_FILE_INFO = record nSize: Longword; // sizeof( LOAD_FILE_INFO ) nCP: Longword; bDetectUnicode: Boolean; bDetectAll: Boolean; bDetectCharset: Boolean; bDetectUTF8: Boolean; end; // LOAD_FILE_INFO; // EE_LOAD_FILE_EX type _LOAD_FILE_INFO_EX = record nSize: Longword; // sizeof( LOAD_FILE_INFO_EX ) nCP: Longword; bDetectUnicode: Boolean; bDetectAll: Boolean; bDetectCharset: Boolean; bDetectUTF8: Boolean; nFlags: Longword; end; // LOAD_FILE_INFO_EX; LOAD_FILE_INFO = _LOAD_FILE_INFO; TLoadFileInfo = LOAD_FILE_INFO; PLoadFileInfo = ^TLoadFileInfo; const LFI_ALLOW_NEW_WINDOW = 1; type _GET_LINE_INFO = record cb: Longword; //? UINT_PTR cch; flags: Longword; yLine: Longword; //? UINT_PTR yLine; end; // GET_LINE_INFO; GET_LINE_INFO = _GET_LINE_INFO; TGetLineInfo = GET_LINE_INFO; PGetLineInfo = ^TGetLineInfo; type _GREP_INFOW = record nSize: Longword ; // sizeof( GREP_INFOW ) nCP: Longword ; nFlags: Longword ; pszFind: PWideChar; pszReplace: PWideChar; pszPath: PWideChar; pszBackupPath: PWideChar; pszFilesToIgnore: PWideChar; end; // GREP_INFOW; type _GREP_INFOA = record nSize: Longword ; // sizeof( GREP_INFOA ) nCP: Longword ; nFlags: Longword ; pszFind: PChar ; pszReplace: PChar ; pszPath: PChar ; pszBackupPath: PChar ; pszFilesToIgnore: PChar ; end; // GREP_INFOA; type _MATCH_REGEX_INFO = record cbSize: Longword ; // sizeof( MATCH_REGEX_INFO ) nFlags: Longword; pszRegex: PWideChar; pszText: PWideChar; end; // MATCH_REGEX_INFO; type _FIND_REGEX_INFO = record cbSize: Longword ; // sizeof( FIND_REGEX_INFO ) nFlags: Longword; pszRegex: PWideChar; pszText: PWideChar; ppszStart: PWideChar; ppszEnd: PWideChar; ppszNext: PWideChar; //? LPCWSTR* ppszStart; //? LPCWSTR* ppszEnd; //? LPCWSTR* ppszNext; end; // FIND_REGEX_INFO; type _CUSTOM_BAR_INFO = record cbSize: Longword ; hwndCustomBar: THandle; hwndClient: THandle; pszTitle: PChar; //?LPCTSTR pszTitle; iPos: Integer; end; // CUSTOM_BAR_INFO; const CLOSED_FRAME_WINDOW = 1; const CLOSED_ANOTHER_CUSTOM_BAR = 2; type _CUSTOM_BAR_CLOSE_INFO = record nID: Longword; iPos: Integer; dwFlags: DWORD; end; //CUSTOM_BAR_CLOSE_INFO; const EE_FIRST = (WM_USER+$400); const EE_GET_CMD_ID = (EE_FIRST+0); function Editor_GetCmdID(hwnd: THandle; hInstance: HINST): Longword; const EE_QUERY_STATUS = (EE_FIRST+1); function Editor_QueryStatus(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword; pbChecked: PBoolean): Boolean; const EE_UPDATE_TOOLBAR = (EE_FIRST+2); procedure Editor_UpdateToolbar(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword); const EE_GET_SEL_TEXTA = (EE_FIRST+3); function Editor_GetSelTextA(hwnd: THandle; nBufferSize: Longword; szBuffer: PChar): Longword; const EE_GET_SEL_TEXTW = (EE_FIRST+46); function Editor_GetSelTextW(hwnd: THandle; nBufferSize: Longword; szBuffer: PWideChar): Longword; const EE_GET_LINES = (EE_FIRST+4); function Editor_GetLines(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint): Longword; const EE_GET_LINEA = (EE_FIRST+5); function Editor_GetLineA(hwnd: THandle; pGetLineInfo: PGetLineInfo; szString: PChar): Longword; const EE_GET_LINEW = (EE_FIRST+47); function Editor_GetLineW(hwnd: THandle; pGetLineInfo: PGetLineInfo; szString: PWideChar): Longword; const EE_GET_CARET_POS = (EE_FIRST+6); procedure Editor_GetCaretPos(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_DEV_TO_VIEW = (EE_FIRST+7); procedure Editor_DevToView(hwnd: THandle; pptDev, pptView: PPoint); const EE_GET_PAGE_SIZE = (EE_FIRST+8); procedure Editor_GetPageSize(hwnd: THandle; psizePage: PSIZE); const EE_GET_SCROLL_POS = (EE_FIRST + 9); procedure Editor_GetScrollPos(hwnd: THandle; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_LINE_FROM_CHAR = (EE_FIRST + 10); function Editor_LineFromChar(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; nSerialIndex: Longword): Longword; const EE_LINE_INDEX = (EE_FIRST + 11); function Editor_LineIndex(hwnd: THandle; bLogical: Boolean; yLine: Longword): Longword; const EE_LOAD_FILEA = (EE_FIRST + 12); function Editor_LoadFileA(hwnd: THandle; plfi: Longint; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; const EE_LOAD_FILEW = (EE_FIRST + 48); function Editor_LoadFileW(hwnd: THandle; plfi: Longint; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; const EE_LOGICAL_TO_SERIAL = (EE_FIRST + 13); function Editor_LogicalToSerial(hwnd: THandle; pptLogical: PPoint): Longword; const EE_LOGICAL_TO_VIEW = (EE_FIRST + 14); procedure Editor_LogicalToView(hwnd: THandle; pptLogical, pptView: PPoint); const EE_SAVE_FILEA = (EE_FIRST + 16); function Editor_SaveFileA(hwnd: THandle; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; function Editor_DocSaveFileA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; const EE_SAVE_FILEW = (EE_FIRST + 49); function Editor_SaveFileW(hwnd: THandle; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; function Editor_DocSaveFileW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; const EE_SERIAL_TO_LOGICAL = (EE_FIRST + 17); procedure Editor_SerialToLogical(hwnd: THandle; nSerial: Longword; pptLogical: PPoint); const EE_SET_CARET_POS = (EE_FIRST + 18); procedure Editor_SetCaretPos(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_SET_SCROLL_POS = (EE_FIRST + 19); procedure Editor_SetScrollPos(hwnd: THandle; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_VIEW_TO_DEV = (EE_FIRST + 20); procedure Editor_ViewToDev(hwnd: THandle; pptView, pptDev: PPoint); const EE_VIEW_TO_LOGICAL = (EE_FIRST + 21); procedure Editor_ViewToLogical(hwnd: THandle; pptView, pptLogical: PPoint); const EE_EXEC_COMMAND = (EE_FIRST + 22); procedure Editor_ExecCommand(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword); const EE_GET_MODIFIED = (EE_FIRST + 23); function Editor_GetModified(hwnd: THandle): Boolean; function Editor_DocGetModified(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer): Boolean; const EE_SET_MODIFIED = (EE_FIRST + 24); procedure Editor_SetModified(hwnd: THandle; bModified: Boolean); const EE_GET_SEL_START = (EE_FIRST + 26); procedure Editor_GetSelStart(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_GET_SEL_END = (EE_FIRST + 27); procedure Editor_GetSelEnd(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); const EE_SET_SEL_LENGTH = (EE_FIRST + 28); procedure Editor_SetSelLength(hwnd: THandle; nLen: Longword); const EE_GET_CONFIGA = (EE_FIRST + 29); procedure Editor_GetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); procedure Editor_DocGetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PChar); const EE_GET_CONFIGW = (EE_FIRST + 50); procedure Editor_GetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); procedure Editor_DocGetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PWideChar); const EE_SET_CONFIGA = (EE_FIRST + 30); procedure Editor_SetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); procedure Editor_DocSetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PChar); const EE_SET_CONFIGW = (EE_FIRST + 51); procedure Editor_SetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); procedure Editor_DocSetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PWideChar); const EE_EMPTY_UNDO_BUFFER = (EE_FIRST + 31); procedure Editor_EmptyUndoBuffer(hwnd: THandle); const OVERWRITE_PER_PROP = 0; const OVERWRITE_INSERT = 1; const OVERWRITE_OVERWRITE = 2; const EE_INSERT_STRINGA = (EE_FIRST + 32); procedure Editor_InsertStringA(hwnd: THandle; szString: PChar); const EE_INSERT_STRINGW = (EE_FIRST + 52); procedure Editor_InsertStringW(hwnd: THandle; szString: PWideChar); const EE_SET_SEL_VIEW = (EE_FIRST + 33); procedure Editor_SetSelView(hwnd: THandle; pptSelStart, pptSelEnd: PPoint); const EE_FINDA = (EE_FIRST + 34); function Editor_FindA(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFind: PChar): Boolean; const EE_FINDW = (EE_FIRST + 53); function Editor_FindW(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFind: PWideChar): Boolean; const EE_REPLACEA = (EE_FIRST + 35); function Editor_ReplaceA(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFindReplace: PChar): Boolean; const EE_REPLACEW = (EE_FIRST + 54); function Editor_ReplaceW(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFindReplace: PWideChar): Boolean; const EE_LOAD_CONFIGA = (EE_FIRST + 36); procedure Editor_LoadConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); const EE_LOAD_CONFIGW = (EE_FIRST + 55); procedure Editor_LoadConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); const EE_SET_STATUSA = (EE_FIRST + 37); procedure Editor_SetStatusA(hwnd: THandle; szStatus: PChar); const EE_SET_STATUSW = (EE_FIRST + 56); procedure Editor_SetStatusW(hwnd: THandle; szStatus: PWideChar); const EE_CONVERT = (EE_FIRST + 38); function Editor_Convert(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword): Boolean; const EE_GET_MARGIN = (EE_FIRST + 39); function Editor_GetMargin(hwnd: THandle): Longword; const EE_GET_VERSION = (EE_FIRST + 40); function Editor_GetVersion(hwnd: THandle): Longword; function Editor_GetVersionEx(hwnd: THandle; pnProductType: Longword): Longword; const VERSION_FREE = 4; const VERSION_LITE = 3; const VERSION_PRO = 2; const VERSION_STD = 1; const EE_GET_REF = (EE_FIRST + 41); function Editor_GetRef(hwnd: THandle; atom: Longword): Longint; const EE_ADD_REF = (EE_FIRST + 42); function Editor_AddRef(hwnd: THandle; hInstance : HINST): Longint; const EE_RELEASE = (EE_FIRST + 43); function Editor_Release(hwnd: THandle; hInstance : HINST): Longint; const EE_REDRAW = (EE_FIRST + 44); procedure Editor_Redraw(hwnd: THandle; bRedraw: Boolean); const EE_GET_SEL_TYPE = (EE_FIRST + 45); function Editor_GetSelType(hwnd: THandle): Longint; const EE_IS_CHAR_HALF_OR_FULL = (EE_FIRST + 57); function Editor_IsCharHalfOrFull(hwnd: THandle; ch:WideChar): Longint; const EE_INFO = (EE_FIRST + 58); function Editor_Info(hwnd: THandle; nCmd: Longint; lParam: Longint): Longint; function Editor_DocInfo(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; nCmd: Longint; lParam: Longint): Longint; const EE_FREE = (EE_FIRST + 59); function Editor_Free(hwnd: THandle; atom: Longword): Boolean; //☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ const EE_LAST = (EE_FIRST + 255); const EI_GET_ENCODE = 256; const EI_SET_ENCODE = 257; const EI_GET_SIGNATURE = 268; const EI_SET_SIGNATURE = 269; const EI_GET_FONT_CHARSET = 270; const EI_SET_FONT_CHARSET = 271; const EI_GET_FONT_CP = 272; const EI_GET_INPUT_CP = 274; const EI_GET_SHOW_TAG = 276; const EI_SET_SHOW_TAG = 277; const EI_GET_FILE_NAMEA = 278; const EI_GET_FILE_NAMEW = 280; const EI_IS_PROPORTIONAL_FONT= 282; const EI_GET_NEXT_BOOKMARK = 284; const EI_GET_HILITE_FIND = 286; const EI_SET_HILITE_FIND = 287; const EI_GET_APP_VERSIONA = 288; const EI_GET_APP_VERSIONW = 290; const EI_GET_READ_ONLY = 296; const EI_IS_WINDOW_COMBINED = 298; const EI_WINDOW_COMBINE = 299; const EI_IS_UNDO_COMBINED = 300; // new from v5.00 const EI_GET_DOC_COUNT = 301; const EI_INDEX_TO_DOC = 302; const EI_DOC_TO_INDEX = 303; const EI_ZORDER_TO_DOC = 304; const EI_DOC_TO_ZORDER = 305; const EI_GET_ACTIVE_INDEX = 306; const EI_SET_ACTIVE_INDEX = 307; const EI_GET_FULL_TITLEA = 308; const EI_GET_FULL_TITLEW = 309; const EI_GET_SHORT_TITLEA = 310; const EI_GET_SHORT_TITLEW = 311; const EI_GET_SAVE_AS_TITLEA = 312; const EI_GET_SAVE_AS_TITLEW = 313; const EI_MOVE_ORDER = 314; const EI_CLOSE_DOC = 315; const EI_SAVE_DOC = 316; const POS_VIEW = 0; const POS_LOGICAL_A = 1; const POS_LOGICAL_W = 2; const POS_TAB_A = 3; const POS_SCROLL_DONT_CARE = $00000000; const POS_SCROLL_CENTER = $00000010; const POS_SCROLL_TOP = $00000020; const POS_WANT_X = $00010000; const POS_WANT_Y = $00020000; const SEL_TYPE_NONE = 0; const SEL_TYPE_CHAR = 1; const SEL_TYPE_LINE = 2; const SEL_TYPE_BOX = 3; const SEL_TYPE_MASK = $000f; const SEL_TYPE_KEYBOARD = $0010; const SEL_TYPE_SELECTED = $0020; // EE_SAVE_FILE const DO_SAVE_NONE = 0; const DO_SAVE_REPLACE = 1; const DO_SAVE_RENAME = 2; // EE_CONVERT const FLAG_MAKE_LOWER = 0; const FLAG_MAKE_UPPER = 1; const FLAG_HAN_TO_ZEN = 2; const FLAG_ZEN_TO_HAN = 3; const FLAG_CAPITALIZE = 4; const FLAG_CONVERT_MASK = 7; const FLAG_CONVERT_SELECT_ALL = $0100; const FLAG_CONVERT_KATA = $0400; const FLAG_CONVERT_ALPHANUMERIC = $0800; const FLAG_CONVERT_MARK = $1000; const FLAG_CONVERT_SPACE = $2000; const FLAG_CONVERT_KANA_MARK = $4000; const FLAG_CONVERT_ALL_TYPES = $fe00; // EE_FIND, EE_REPLACE, EE_FIND_IN_FILES, EE_REPLACE_IN_FILES, EE_MATCH_REGEX, EE_FIND_REGEX const FLAG_FIND_NEXT = $0001; // EE_FIND only const FLAG_FIND_CASE = $0002; // EE_FIND, EE_REPLACE, EE_MATCH_REGEX and EE_FIND_REGEX const FLAG_FIND_ESCAPE = $0004; // EE_FIND and EE_REPLACE const FLAG_REPLACE_SEL_ONLY = $0008; // EE_REPLACE only const FLAG_REPLACE_ALL = $0010; // EE_REPLACE only const FLAG_FIND_NO_PROMPT = $0020; // EE_FIND and EE_REPLACE const FLAG_FIND_ONLY_WORD = $0040; // EE_FIND, EE_REPLACE and EE_FIND_REGEX const FLAG_FIND_AROUND = $0080; // EE_FIND only const FLAG_FIND_REG_EXP = $0100; // EE_FIND and EE_REPLACE const FLAG_FIND_CLOSE = $0200; // EE_FIND and EE_REPLACE const FLAG_FIND_RECURSIVE = $0400; // EE_FIND_IN_FILES and EE_REPLACE_IN_FILES const FLAG_FIND_FILENAMES_ONLY = $0800; // EE_FIND_IN_FILES only const FLAG_REPLACE_KEEP_OPEN = $1000; // EE_REPLACE_IN_FILES only const FLAG_REPLACE_BACKUP = $2000; // EE_REPLACE_IN_FILES only const FLAG_FIND_IGNORE_FILES = $4000; // EE_FIND_IN_FILES and EE_REPLACE_IN_FILES const FLAG_FIND_OPEN_DOC = $8000; // EE_FIND only v6.00 const FLAG_GREP_MASK = $7c00; const FLAG_FIND_MASK = $ffff; // GET_LINE_INFO const FLAG_LOGICAL = 1; const FLAG_WITH_CRLF = 2; const UNINSTALL_FALSE = 0; const UNINSTALL_SIMPLE_DELETE= 1; const UNINSTALL_RUN_COMMAND = 2; const EP_FIRST = (WM_USER+$500); const EP_QUERY_PROPERTIES = (EP_FIRST+0); const EP_SET_PROPERTIES = (EP_FIRST+1); const EP_GET_NAMEA = (EP_FIRST+2); const EP_GET_NAMEW = (EP_FIRST+3); const EP_GET_VERSIONA = (EP_FIRST+4); const EP_GET_VERSIONW = (EP_FIRST+5); const EP_QUERY_UNINSTALL = (EP_FIRST+6); const EP_SET_UNINSTALL = (EP_FIRST+7); const EP_GET_BITMAP = (EP_FIRST+8); const EP_GET_MASK = (EP_FIRST+9); const EP_GET_INFO = (EP_FIRST+10); const EP_PRE_TRANSLATE_MSG = (EP_FIRST+11); const EP_LAST = (EP_FIRST+50); {$IFDEF _UNICODE} const EP_GET_NAME = EP_GET_NAMEW; const EP_GET_VERSION = EP_GET_VERSIONW; {$ELSE} const EP_GET_NAME = EP_GET_NAMEA; const EP_GET_VERSION = EP_GET_VERSIONA; {$ENDIF} // EP_GET_BITMAP const BITMAP_SMALL = $00000000; const BITMAP_LARGE = $00000001; const BITMAP_SIZE_MASK = $0000000f; const BITMAP_16_COLOR = $00000000; const BITMAP_256_COLOR = $00000010; const BITMAP_24BIT_COLOR = $00000020; const BITMAP_COLOR_MASK = $000000f0; const BITMAP_DEFAULT = $00000000; const BITMAP_DISABLED = $00000100; const BITMAP_HOT = $00000200; const BITMAP_STATUS_MASK = $00000f00; // EP_GET_INFO const EPGI_ALLOW_OPEN_SAME_GROUP = 1; const EPGI_MAX_EE_VERSION = 2; const EPGI_MIN_EE_VERSION = 3; const EPGI_SUPPORT_EE_PRO = 4; const EPGI_SUPPORT_EE_STD = 5; const EPGI_ALLOW_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES = 6; const CHECK_FILE_CHANGED_NONE = 0; const CHECK_FILE_CHANGED_PROMPT = 1; const CHECK_FILE_CHANGED_AUTO = 2; const CHECK_FILE_CHANGED_EXCLUSIVE = 3; const MIN_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 1; const MAX_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 255; const DEF_MONITOR_INTERVAL = 2; const SIZE_OF_CUSTOMIZE_INFO = 6660; type TCustomizeInfo = packed record m_alfScreen: array [0..MAX_CHARSET - 1] of LOGFONTW; // screen fonts m_alfPrint: array [0..MAX_CHARSET - 1] of LOGFONTW; // printer fonts m_ptShowScrollBar: TPoint; // scroll bars (x: horizontal and y: vertical) 0: no display, 1: display only when necessary, 2: display always m_nPrinterMarginTop: Longint; // printer top margin m_nPrinterMarginBottom: Longint; // printer bottom margin m_nPrinterMarginLeft: Longint; // printer left margin m_nWrapMode: Longint; // wrap mode m_nMarginNormal: Longint; // normal line margin m_nMarginQuote: Longint; // quoted line margin m_nTabSpace: Longint; // tab columns m_nKanjiRead: Longint; // opening character code m_nLineSpace: Longint; // line space m_nLineSpacePrint: Longint; // space between lines m_nReserved15: Longint; // was m_nHiliteTag before v3.16 m_nReserved14: Longint; // was m_nHiliteMultiComment before v3.16 m_nAutoSaveTime: Longword; // auto save time m_nCheckFileChanged: Longint; // v3: changed by another program m_nUndoBufferSize: Longword; // undo max number m_nEncodeNew: Longint; // v3: encode method for new files m_nCrLfNew: Longint; // v3: how to return for new files m_nCharsetNew: Longint; // v3: font charset for new files m_nEncodeWrite: Longint; // v3: encode method for saving m_nCrLfWrite: Longint; // v3: how to return for saving m_nSpecialSyntax: Longint; // v3.16: Special Syntax m_chEscape: WideChar; // v3.16: Escape character m_bPasteAnsi: Boolean; // v3.16: Always Paste as ANSI m_bNewTemplate: Boolean; // v3.17: Use template for a new file m_bSaveAsNameEntity: Boolean; // v3.17: Use Named Entity Reference m_bInsertSpacesTab: Boolean; // v3.19: Insert spaces for Tab m_chIndentBegin: WideChar; // v3.17: Begin Indent m_chIndentEnd: WideChar; // v3.17: End Indent m_chEndOfStatement: WideChar; // v3.17: End of Statement m_nIndentSpace: Longint; // v3.19: Indent columns m_bNoSpaceEdge: Boolean; // v3.19: No space at left edge of Window m_bAnsiFont: Boolean; // v3.28: Non-Unicode Font m_bShowScrollOnlyActive:Boolean; // v3.31: Show scroll bars only when current pane is active m_bWrapPagePrint: Boolean; // v3.31: Wrap by Page when printing m_nPrinterMarginRight: Longint; // v3.24: printer right margin m_nMaxFindHilite: Longint; // v3.32: (Depth of searched string to highlight) - 1 m_bPromptInvalidChar: Boolean; // v4.01: Prompt if invalid characters found m_bNameUntitled: Boolean; // 6.00: auto name untitled -- v4.03: Synchronize Read-Only attribute m_byteMonitorInterval: Byte; // 5.00: monitor interval for changed file (File tab) m_nReserved7: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved6: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved5: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved4: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved3: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved2: Longint; // reserved m_nReserved1: Longint; // reserved m_abUrlChar: array [0..127] of Byte; // =1: URL char, =2: URL char byte not at end. m_bNotepadDiary: Boolean; // notepad compatible diary m_bPrintLineNum: Boolean; // print line numbers m_bPromptNullFile: Boolean; // prompt if Null character found m_bPromptCrLf: Boolean; // prompt at inconsistent returns m_bShowEOF: Boolean; // show EOF m_bShowCR: Boolean; // show returns m_bShowTab: Boolean; // show tab m_bShowLineNum: Boolean; // show line numbers m_bShowLogicalLine: Byte; // show logical line numbers m_bWordWrap: Boolean; // word wrap m_bFaceWrap: Boolean; // enable non-wrap words m_bKinsokuWrap: Boolean; // wrap these characters m_bSaveTabToSpace: Boolean; // save tabs as spaces m_bSaveInsertCR: Boolean; // insert returns when saving m_bUseRecycleBin: Boolean; // use recylce bin to buckup m_bAutoIndent: Boolean; // auto indent m_bOverwrite: Boolean; // overwrite mode or insert mode m_bHilite: Boolean; // hilete these words m_bURL: Boolean; // link to URLs m_bMailTo: Boolean; // clicking mail address sends mail m_bLinkDblclick: Boolean; // enable double clicking only m_bFullPath: Boolean; // show file name with full path m_b7BitKanji: Boolean; // 7 bit kanji m_bCrLfSeparateMark: Boolean; // show CR and LF with different marks m_bShowRuler: Boolean; // show ruler m_bAutoSave: Boolean; // auto save m_bDeleteEmpty: Boolean; // delete empty files when saving m_bSaveNotModified: Boolean; // always enable saving m_bBackupFolder: Boolean; // save backups to backup folder m_bFolderIfRecycleFailed: Boolean; // save to backup folder if recycle bin not available m_bAutoSaveFolder: Boolean; // save to auto save folder m_bRenameBackup: Boolean; // rename if same file name exists m_bControlIME: Boolean; // run input method editor m_bRenameAutoSave: Boolean; // rename if same file name exists m_bBackupSame: Boolean; // save backups to same folder m_bShowDbSpace: Boolean; // show double-byte spaces m_bSelLinkContextMenu: Boolean; // v3: not implemented m_bPageVScroll: Boolean; // v3: always enable 1page vertical scroll m_bPageHScroll: Boolean; // v3: always enable 1page horizontal scroll m_bHalfPageScroll: Boolean; // v3: scroll half page m_bDetectUnicode: Boolean; // v3: detect Unicode m_bAllowCtrlChars: Boolean; // v3: allow insert control character m_bMoveCursorScroll: Boolean; // v3: move cursor by scrolling m_bHorzLine: Boolean; // v3: horizontal line m_bVertLine: Boolean; // v3: vertical line m_bScroll2Lines: Boolean; // v3: double line scroll m_bFastKeyRepeat: Boolean; // v3: faster cursor movement m_bDBCharUrl: Boolean; // v3: recognize double-byte characters as URLs m_bKanaUrl: Boolean; // v3: recognize single-byte kana and kana marks as URLs m_bShowPage: Boolean; // v3: display page number m_bUsePrinterFont: Boolean; // v3: choose font for default printer m_bSignatureNew: Boolean; // v3: Unicode, UTF-8 signature for new files m_bPromptNotAnsi: Boolean; // v3: prompt on saving if unicode characters cannot convert to ANSI m_bSignatureWrite: Boolean; // v3: Unicode, UTF-8 signature for saving m_bIgnoreColorPrint: Boolean; // v3.08: Ignore Color and Underlines (Print) m_bNoFullPathIfNotActive: Boolean; // v3.08: Display file name without full path if the window is not active m_bSaveOverwrite: Boolean; // v3.13: Save insert/overwrite mode. m_bNoChangeCrLf: Boolean; // v3.13: Do not change how to return at copy and paste. m_bShowSpace: Boolean; // v3.13: show single-byte spaces m_bWordWrapMark: Boolean; // v3.13: allows word wrap after marks m_bPrintSeparatingLines:Boolean; // v3.14: Draw separating lines m_bSameFontPrint: Boolean; // v3.14: Use Display Font as Printer Font m_bHiliteCorresParen: Boolean; // v3.14: Highlight Corresponding Parentheses m_bSelectInQuotes: Boolean; // v3.14: Highlight and easily select in "quotes". m_bDetectUTF8: Boolean; // v3.15: Detect UTF-8 m_bDetectCharset: Boolean; // v3.15: Detect Charset (HTML) m_bDetectAll: Boolean; // v3.15: Detect All m_bDeleteSpaceEnd: Boolean; // v3.15: Delete Space at End of Lines m_bSaveAsEntity: Boolean; // v3.15: Encode Unicode as HTML Entity m_bShowControl: Boolean; // v3.15: Highlight Control Characters m_bQuoteType: Byte; // v3.16: Quote type, combination of QUOTE_SINGLE, QUOTE_DOUBLE and QUOTE_CONTINUE m_dummy_1: Byte; // (2003/03/10 by WoodyBells) どうもサイズが合わないので調整してみたり... m_chKanjiInChar: WideChar; // transitional character to kanji m_chKanjiOutChar: WideChar; // transitional character to single-bytes m_chTagLeft: WideChar; // begin tag m_chTagRight: WideChar; // end tag m_szHeader: array [0..MAX_HEADER - 1] of WideChar; // header m_szLineComment1: array [0..MAX_LINE_COMMENT - 1] of WideChar; // v3.16: Line Comment m_szScriptBegin: array [0..MAX_SCRIPT_BEGIN - 1] of WideChar; // v3.16: Script Begin m_szFooter: array [0..MAX_FOOTER - 1] of WideChar; // footer m_szLineComment2: array [0..MAX_LINE_COMMENT - 1] of WideChar; // v3.16: Line Comment m_szScriptEnd: array [0..MAX_SCRIPT_END - 1] of WideChar; // v3.16: Script End m_szPrefix: array [0..MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH - 1] of WideChar; // default quote mark m_szKinsokuBegin: array [0..MAX_KINSOKU_BEGIN - 1] of WideChar; // not allowed at line head m_szKinsokuEnd: array [0..MAX_KINSOKU_END - 1] of WideChar; // not allowed at line end m_szDefExt: array [0..MAX_DEF_EXT - 1] of WideChar; // default extension m_szPrefixList: array [0..MAX_PREFIX_LIST - 1] of WideChar; // quote mark m_szBackupPath: array [0..MAX_PATH - 1] of WideChar; // backup folder m_szAutoSavePath: array [0..MAX_PATH - 1] of WideChar; // auto save folder m_szMultiCommentBegin: array [0..MAX_MULTI_COMMENT_BEGIN - 1] of WideChar; // Multi-line comment begin m_szMultiCommentEnd: array [0..MAX_MULTI_COMMENT_END - 1] of WideChar; // Multi-line comment end end; PCustomizeInfo = ^TCustomizeInfo; // Command IDs // const EEID_FILE_NEW = 4096; const EEID_FILE_OPEN = 4097; const EEID_FILE_CLOSE_OPEN = 4098; const EEID_FILE_SAVE = 4099; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_AS = 4100; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_ALL = 4101; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_ANSI = 4102; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_JIS = 4103; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_EUC = 4104; const EEID_SAVE_AS_CRLF = 4105; const EEID_SAVE_AS_CR = 4106; const EEID_SAVE_AS_LF = 4107; const EEID_FILE_INSERT = 4108; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD = 4109; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_ANSI = 4110; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_JIS = 4111; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_EUC = 4112; const EEID_READ_ONLY = 4113; const EEID_FILE_PRINT = 4114; const EEID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT = 4115; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_EXIT = 4116; const EEID_APP_EXIT = 4117; const EEID_SAVE_EXIT_ALL = 4118; const EEID_EXIT_ALL = 4119; const EEID_APP_QUIT = 4120; const EEID_NEW_TRAY_ICON = 4121; const EEID_TRAY_ICON_EXIT = 4122; const EEID_FILE_NEW_PASTE = 4123; const EEID_EDIT_UNDO = 4124; const EEID_EDIT_REDO = 4125; const EEID_EDIT_CUT = 4126; const EEID_EDIT_COPY = 4127; const EEID_EDIT_COPY_DESELECT = 4128; const EEID_EDIT_PASTE = 4129; const EEID_EDIT_COPY_PREFIX = 4130; const EEID_EDIT_COPY_PREFIX_DESELECT = 4131; const EEID_PASTE_PREFIX = 4132; const EEID_PASTE_RETURN = 4133; const EEID_PASTE_PREFIX_RETURN = 4134; const EEID_DELETE = 4135; const EEID_EDIT_SELECT_ALL = 4136; const EEID_INSERT_DATE = 4137; const EEID_INSERT_DATE_TIME = 4138; const EEID_JUMP = 4139; const EEID_EDIT_COPY_LINK = 4140; const EEID_LINK_OPEN = 4141; const EEID_INSERT = 4142; const EEID_INSERT_CR_WRAP = 4143; const EEID_DELETE_CR_WRAP = 4144; const EEID_INSERT_CR = 4145; const EEID_INSERT_LF = 4146; const EEID_TAG_JUMP = 4147; const EEID_CONVERT = 4148; const EEID_MAKE_UPPER = 4149; const EEID_MAKE_LOWER = 4150; const EEID_ZEN_TO_HAN = 4151; const EEID_HAN_TO_ZEN = 4152; const EEID_SELECT_CHAR = 4153; const EEID_SELECT_LINE = 4154; const EEID_SELECT_BOX = 4155; const EEID_RIGHT = 4156; const EEID_LEFT = 4157; const EEID_RIGHT_WORD = 4158; const EEID_LEFT_WORD = 4159; const EEID_UP = 4160; const EEID_DOWN = 4161; const EEID_PAGEUP = 4162; const EEID_PAGEDOWN = 4163; const EEID_HOME = 4164; const EEID_LOGICAL_HOME = 4165; const EEID_END = 4166; const EEID_LOGICAL_END = 4167; const EEID_TOP = 4168; const EEID_BOTTOM = 4169; const EEID_SCROLL_UP = 4170; const EEID_SCROLL_DOWN = 4171; const EEID_SHIFT_RIGHT = 4172; const EEID_SHIFT_LEFT = 4173; const EEID_SHIFT_RIGHT_WORD = 4174; const EEID_SHIFT_LEFT_WORD = 4175; const EEID_SHIFT_UP = 4176; const EEID_SHIFT_DOWN = 4177; const EEID_SHIFT_PAGEUP = 4178; const EEID_SHIFT_PAGEDOWN = 4179; const EEID_SHIFT_HOME = 4180; const EEID_SHIFT_LOGICAL_HOME = 4181; const EEID_SHIFT_END = 4182; const EEID_SHIFT_LOGICAL_END = 4183; const EEID_SHIFT_TOP = 4184; const EEID_SHIFT_BOTTOM = 4185; const EEID_BACK = 4186; const EEID_ESCAPE = 4187; const EEID_TAB = 4188; const EEID_SHIFT_TAB = 4189; const EEID_DELETE_LINE = 4190; const EEID_DELETE_RIGHT_LINE = 4191; const EEID_EDIT_COPY_LINE = 4192; const EEID_EDIT_CUT_LINE = 4193; const EEID_DELETE_WORD = 4194; const EEID_LINE_OPEN_ABOVE = 4195; const EEID_LINE_OPEN_BELOW = 4196; const EEID_INSERT_CONTROL = 4197; const EEID_TOGGLE_IME = 4198; const EEID_RECONVERT = 4199; const EEID_EDIT_FIND = 4200; const EEID_EDIT_REPLACE = 4201; const EEID_EDIT_REPEAT = 4202; const EEID_EDIT_REPEAT_BACK = 4203; const EEID_FIND_NEXT_WORD = 4204; const EEID_FIND_PREV_WORD = 4205; const EEID_ERASE_FIND_HILITE = 4206; const EEID_GREP = 4207; const EEID_WRAP_NONE = 4208; const EEID_WRAP_BY_CHAR = 4209; const EEID_WRAP_BY_WINDOW = 4210; const EEID_VIEW_STATUS_BAR = 4212; const EEID_WATCH_CHAR_CODE = 4213; const EEID_NEXT_PANE = 4214; const EEID_PREV_PANE = 4215; const EEID_QUICK_MACRO_RECORD = 4216; const EEID_QUICK_MACRO_RUN = 4217; const EEID_FONT = 4218; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE = 4219; const EEID_CONFIG_POPUP = 4220; const EEID_CONFIG = 4221; const EEID_COMMON_SETTINGS = 4222; const EEID_FILE_ASSOCIATE = 4223; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLBAR = 4224; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_PLUG_INS = 4238; const EEID_WINDOW_ALWAYS_TOP = 4239; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT = 4240; const EEID_WINDOW_CASCADE = 4241; const EEID_WINDOW_TILE_HORZ = 4242; const EEID_WINDOW_TILE_VERT = 4243; const EEID_WINDOW_MINIMIZE_ALL = 4244; const EEID_NEXT_WINDOW = 4245; const EEID_PREV_WINDOW = 4246; const EEID_HELP_FINDER = 4247; const EEID_HELP_REGIST = 4248; const EEID_WEB_HOME = 4249; const EEID_APP_ABOUT = 4250; const EEID_SELECT_WORD = 4251; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_RENAME = 4252; const EEID_TAB_TO_SPACE = 4253; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_UNICODE = 4254; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_UTF8 = 4255; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_UTF7 = 4256; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_UNICODE = 4257; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_UTF8 = 4258; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_UTF7 = 4259; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_UNICODE_BIGENDIAN = 4260; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_UNICODE_BIGENDIAN= 4261; const EEID_EDIT_PASTE_ANSI = 4262; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_932 = 4263; const EEID_DEFINE_CODE_PAGE = 4264; const EEID_FILE_SAVE_932 = 4265; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_MENU = 4266; const EEID_ALL_COMMANDS = 4267; const EEID_NEXT_LOGICAL_LINE = 4268; const EEID_PREV_LOGICAL_LINE = 4269; const EEID_ALL_PROP = 4270; const EEID_NEW_PASTE_PREFIX = 4271; const EEID_NEW_PASTE_PREFIX_RETURN = 4272; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_TRAY = 4273; const EEID_INSERT_CR_LF = 4274; const EEID_DELETE_RIGHT_WORD = 4275; const EEID_NEXT_PAREN = 4276; const EEID_SHIFT_NEXT_PAREN = 4277; const EEID_TRIM_RIGHT = 4278; const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_DETECT_ALL = 4279; const EEID_DELETE_LEFT_WORD = 4280; const EEID_NEW_CONFIG_POPUP = 4281; const EEID_FONT_POPUP = 4282; const EEID_RELOAD_POPUP = 4283; const EEID_DELETE_PANES = 4284; const EEID_SHOW_PLUGINS_BAR = 4285; const EEID_PRINT_PREVIEW = 4286; const EEID_WINDOW_TOP = 4292; const EEID_WINDOW_BOTTOM = 4293; const EEID_WINDOW_RIGHT = 4294; const EEID_WINDOW_LEFT = 4295; const EEID_HOME_TEXT = 4296; const EEID_SHIFT_HOME_TEXT = 4297; const EEID_KEYBOARD_MAP = 4298; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_HORZ = 4299; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_VERT = 4300; const EEID_CONTEXT_MENU = 4301; const EEID_DELETE_LEFT_LINE = 4302; const EEID_INSERT_GRAVE = 4303; const EEID_INSERT_ACUTE = 4304; const EEID_INSERT_CIRCUMFLEX = 4305; const EEID_INSERT_TILDE = 4306; const EEID_INSERT_DIAERESIS = 4307; const EEID_INSERT_RING_ABOVE = 4308; const EEID_INSERT_LIGATURE = 4309; const EEID_INSERT_CEDILLA = 4310; const EEID_INSERT_STROKE = 4311; const EEID_INSERT_INVERTED_QUESTION = 4312; const EEID_INSERT_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION = 4313; const EEID_INSERT_COPYRIGHT = 4314; const EEID_INSERT_REGISTERED = 4315; const EEID_INSERT_TRADEMARK = 4316; const EEID_INSERT_EURO = 4317; const EEID_WRAP_BY_PAPER = 4318; const EEID_SHOW_TOOLS_BAR = 4319; const EEID_BOOKMARK_TOGGLE = 4320; const EEID_BOOKMARK_NEXT = 4321; const EEID_BOOKMARK_PREV = 4322; const EEID_BOOKMARK_CLEAR = 4323; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_TOOLS = 4324; const EEID_RETRIEVE_FIND_TEXT = 4325; const EEID_COPY_FILE_PATH = 4326; const EEID_COPY_FILE_DIR = 4327; const EEID_DUPLICATE_LINE = 4328; const EEID_LOAD_WORKSPACE = 4329; const EEID_SAVE_WORKSPACE = 4330; const EEID_SAVE_WORKSPACE_EXIT_ALL = 4331; const EEID_SAVE_WORKSPACE_QUIT_ALL = 4332; const EEID_LOGICAL_HOME_TEXT = 4333; const EEID_SHIFT_LOGICAL_HOME_TEXT = 4334; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_HORZ_FIX = 4335; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_VERT_FIX = 4336; //const EEID_SHOW_WINDOWS_BAR = 4337 const EEID_SHOW_BAR_TITLE = 4340; const EEID_LOCK_TOOLBARS = 4341; const EEID_WINDOW_COMBINE = 4342; const EEID_WINDOW_ALWAYS_TOP_ON = 4343; const EEID_WINDOW_ALWAYS_TOP_OFF = 4344; const EEID_MOVE_LAST_EDIT = 4345; const EEID_MACRO_SAVE = 4346; const EEID_MACRO_SELECT = 4347; const EEID_MACRO_EDIT = 4348; const EEID_MACRO_SELECT_THIS = 4349; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_MACRO = 4350; const EEID_BOOKMARK_NEXT_WITHIN = 4351; const EEID_BOOKMARK_PREV_WITHIN = 4352; const EEID_BOOKMARK_SET = 4353; const EEID_BOOKMARK_RESET = 4354; const EEID_SPACE_TO_TAB = 4355; const EEID_TABIFY = 4356; const EEID_UNTABIFY = 4357; const EEID_INDENT = 4358; const EEID_UNINDENT = 4359; const EEID_MACRO_HELP = 4360; const EEID_MACRO_HELP_WORD = 4361; const EEID_REPLACE_IN_FILES = 4362; const EEID_QUIT_ALL = 4363; const EEID_MACRO_RUN_OPTIONS = 4364; const EEID_INSERT_CARON = 4369; const EEID_VIEW_MARKS = 4370; const EEID_EDIT_COMMENT = 4371; const EEID_EDIT_UNCOMMENT = 4372; const EEID_INCREASE_FONT_SIZE = 4373; const EEID_DECREASE_FONT_SIZE = 4374; const EEID_FIND_NEXT_UNICODE = 4375; const EEID_FIND_PREV_UNICODE = 4376; const EEID_ERASE_UNICODE_HILITE = 4377; const EEID_JOIN_LINES = 4378; const EEID_SPLIT_LINES = 4379; const EEID_IMPORT_EXPORT = 4380; const EEID_CAPITALIZE = 4381; const EEID_WINDOW_MOVE_NEXT = 4382; const EEID_WINDOW_MOVE_PREV = 4383; const EEID_CLOSE_ALL_OTHERS = 4384; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_HORZ_TOGGLE = 4385; const EEID_WINDOW_SPLIT_VERT_TOGGLE = 4386; const EEID_GROUP_CLOSE_ALL = 4387; const EEID_GROUP_CLOSE_OTHERS = 4388; const EEID_GROUP_CLOSE_LEFT = 4389; const EEID_GROUP_CLOSE_RIGHT = 4390; const EEID_NEW_GROUP = 4391; const EEID_NEW_GROUP_MINIMIZE = 4392; const EEID_NEW_GROUP_CASCADE = 4393; const EEID_NEW_GROUP_HORZ = 4394; const EEID_NEW_GROUP_VERT = 4395; const EEID_MOVE_PREV_GROUP = 4396; const EEID_MOVE_NEXT_GROUP = 4397; const EEID_SORT_FILE_NAME = 4398; const EEID_SORT_TYPE = 4399; const EEID_SORT_MODIFIED = 4400; const EEID_SORT_ZORDER = 4401; const EEID_SORT_ASCENDING = 4402; const EEID_SORT_DESCENDING = 4403; const EEID_AUTO_SORT = 4404; const EEID_RESTORE_POS = 4406; const EEID_WINDOW_COMBINE_ON = 4407; const EEID_WINDOW_COMBINE_OFF = 4408; const EEID_ACTIVE_PANE = 4409; const EEID_OUTLINE_COLLAPSE_ALL = 4410; const EEID_OUTLINE_EXPAND_ALL = 4411; const EEID_OUTLINE_TOGGLE_LINE = 4412; const EEID_OUTLINE_COLLAPSE_LINE = 4413; const EEID_OUTLINE_EXPAND_LINE = 4414; const EEID_OUTLINE_NEXT_NODE = 4415; const EEID_OUTLINE_PREV_NODE = 4416; const EEID_SHIFT_NEXT_NODE = 4417; const EEID_SHIFT_PREV_NODE = 4418; const EEID_RESTORE_DELETED = 4419; const EEID_VIEW_OUTPUT = 4420; const EEID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 = 4609; // to EEID_FILE_MRU_FILE1 + 63 const EEID_MRU_FONT1 = 4736; // to EEID_MRU_FONT1 + 63 const EEID_FILE_MRU_INSERT1 = 4864; // to EEID_FILE_MRU_INSER1 + 63 const EEID_FILE_MRU_FOLDER1 = 4992; // to EEID_FILE_MRU_FOLDER1 + 63 const EEID_SELECT_CONFIG = 5120; // to EEID_SELECT_CONFIG + 255 const EEID_WINDOW_MENU = 5376; // to EEID_WINDOW_MENU + 255 const EEID_PLUG_IN1 = 5632; // to EEID_PLUG_IN1 + 255 const EEID_FILE_RELOAD_DEFINED = 6656; // to EEID_FILE_RELOAD_DEFINED + 255 const EEID_FILE_NEW_CONFIG = 7168; // to EEID_FILE_NEW_CONFIG + 255 const EEID_FILE_SAVE_DEFINED = 7680; // to EEID_FILE_SAVE_DEFINED + 255 const EEID_TOOL1 = 8192; // to EEID_TOOL1 + 255 const EEID_MACRO1 = 9216; // to EEID_MACRO1 + 1023 const EEID_CHARSET_DEFAULT = 8704; const EEID_CHARSET_ARABIC = 8705; const EEID_CHARSET_BALTIC = 8706; const EEID_CHARSET_CENTRAL_EUROPE = 8707; const EEID_CHARSET_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED = 8708; const EEID_CHARSET_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL = 8709; const EEID_CHARSET_CYRILLIC = 8710; const EEID_CHARSET_GREEK = 8711; const EEID_CHARSET_HEBREW = 8712; const EEID_CHARSET_JAPANESE = 8713; const EEID_CHARSET_KOREAN = 8714; const EEID_CHARSET_THAI = 8715; const EEID_CHARSET_TURKISH = 8716; const EEID_CHARSET_VIETNAMESE = 8717; const EEID_CHARSET_WESTERN_EUROPE = 8718; const EEID_CHARSET_OEM = 8719; const EEID_PROPERTY_MARGIN = 8960; const EEID_PROPERTY_SCROLL = 8961; const EEID_PROPERTY_FILE = 8962; const EEID_PROPERTY_BACKUP = 8963; const EEID_PROPERTY_AUTO_SAVE = 8964; const EEID_PROPERTY_ASSOCIATE = 8965; const EEID_PROPERTY_KINSOKU = 8966; const EEID_PROPERTY_FACE = 8967; const EEID_PROPERTY_HILITE = 8968; const EEID_PROPERTY_COMMENT = 8969; const EEID_PROPERTY_SHOW = 8970; const EEID_PROPERTY_MARK = 8971; const EEID_PROPERTY_PRINT = 8972; const EEID_PROPERTY_LINK = 8973; const EEID_PROPERTY_KEYBOARD = 8974; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_FILE = 9040; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_SEARCH = 9041; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_HISTORY = 9042; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_WINDOW = 9043; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_TAB = 9044; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_STATUS = 9045; const EEID_CUSTOMIZE_ADVANCED = 9046; //──────────────────── implementation //──────────────────── function Editor_GetCmdID(hwnd: THandle; hInstance: HINST): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CMD_ID, 0, hInstance); end; function Editor_QueryStatus(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword; pbChecked: PBoolean): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_QUERY_STATUS, nCmdID, Longint(pbChecked))); end; procedure Editor_UpdateToolbar(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_UPDATE_TOOLBAR, nCmdID, 0); end; function Editor_GetSelTextA(hwnd: THandle; nBufferSize: Longword; szBuffer: PChar): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SEL_TEXTA, nBufferSize, Longint(szBuffer)); end; function Editor_GetSelTextW(hwnd: THandle; nBufferSize: Longword; szBuffer: PWideChar): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SEL_TEXTW, nBufferSize, Longint(szBuffer)); end; function Editor_GetLines(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_LINES, nLogical, 0); end; function Editor_GetLineA(hwnd: THandle; pGetLineInfo: PGetLineInfo; szString: PChar): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_LINEA, Longint(pGetLineInfo), Longint(szString)); end; function Editor_GetLineW(hwnd: THandle; pGetLineInfo: PGetLineInfo; szString: PWideChar): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_LINEW, Longint(pGetLineInfo), Longint(szString)); end; procedure Editor_GetCaretPos(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CARET_POS, nLogical, Longint(pptPos)); end; procedure Editor_DevToView(hwnd: THandle; pptDev, pptView: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_DEV_TO_VIEW, Longint(pptDev), Longint(pptView)); end; procedure Editor_GetPageSize(hwnd: THandle; psizePage: PSIZE); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_PAGE_SIZE, 0, Longint(psizePage)); end; procedure Editor_GetScrollPos(hwnd: THandle; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SCROLL_POS, 0, Longint(pptPos)); end; function Editor_LineFromChar(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; nSerialIndex: Longword): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LINE_FROM_CHAR, nLogical, nSerialIndex); end; function Editor_LineIndex(hwnd: THandle; bLogical: Boolean; yLine: Longword): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LINE_INDEX, Longint(bLogical), yLine); end; function Editor_LoadFileA(hwnd: THandle; plfi: Longint; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOAD_FILEA, plfi, Longint(szFileName))); end; function Editor_LoadFileW(hwnd: THandle; plfi: Longint; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOAD_FILEW, plfi, Longint(szFileName))); end; function Editor_LogicalToSerial(hwnd: THandle; pptLogical: PPoint): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOGICAL_TO_SERIAL, 0, Longint(pptLogical)); end; procedure Editor_LogicalToView(hwnd: THandle; pptLogical, pptView: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOGICAL_TO_VIEW, Longint(pptLogical), Longint(pptView)); end; function Editor_SaveFileA(hwnd: THandle; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SAVE_FILEA, Longint(bReplace), Longint(szFileName))); end; function Editor_DocSaveFileA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SAVE_FILEA, MakeWParam(Longint(bReplace), iDoc+1), Longint(szFileName))); end; function Editor_SaveFileW(hwnd: THandle; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SAVE_FILEW, Longint(bReplace), Longint(szFileName))); end; function Editor_DocSaveFileW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; bReplace: Boolean; szFileName: PWideChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SAVE_FILEW, MakeWParam(Longint(bReplace), iDoc+1), Longint(szFileName))); end; procedure Editor_SerialToLogical(hwnd: THandle; nSerial: Longword; pptLogical: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SERIAL_TO_LOGICAL, nSerial, Longint(pptLogical)); end; procedure Editor_SetCaretPos(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_CARET_POS, nLogical, Longint(pptPos)); end; procedure Editor_SetScrollPos(hwnd: THandle; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_SCROLL_POS, 0, Longint(pptPos)); end; procedure Editor_ViewToDev(hwnd: THandle; pptView, pptDev: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_VIEW_TO_DEV, Longint(pptView), Longint(pptDev)); end; procedure Editor_ViewToLogical(hwnd: THandle; pptView, pptLogical: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_VIEW_TO_LOGICAL, Longint(pptView), Longint(pptLogical)); end; procedure Editor_ExecCommand(hwnd: THandle; nCmdID: Longword); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_EXEC_COMMAND, nCmdID, 0); end; function Editor_GetModified(hwnd: THandle): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_MODIFIED, 0, 0)); end; function Editor_DocGetModified(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_MODIFIED, MakeWParam(0, iDoc+1), 0)); end; procedure Editor_SetModified(hwnd: THandle; bModified: Boolean); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_MODIFIED, Longint(bModified), 0); end; procedure Editor_GetSelStart(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SEL_START, nLogical, Longint(pptPos)); end; procedure Editor_GetSelEnd(hwnd: THandle; nLogical: Longint; pptPos: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SEL_END, nLogical, Longint(pptPos)); end; procedure Editor_SetSelLength(hwnd: THandle; nLen: Longword); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_SEL_LENGTH, nLen, 0); end; procedure Editor_GetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CONFIGA, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_DocGetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CONFIGA, MakeWParam(0, iDoc+1), Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_GetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CONFIGW, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_DocGetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_CONFIGW, MakeWParam(0, iDoc+1), Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_SetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_CONFIGA, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_DocSetConfigA(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_CONFIGA, MakeWParam(0, iDoc+1), Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_SetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_CONFIGW, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_DocSetConfigW(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; szConfigName: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_CONFIGW, MakeWParam(0, iDoc+1), Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_EmptyUndoBuffer(hwnd: THandle); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_EMPTY_UNDO_BUFFER, 0, 0); end; procedure Editor_InsertStringA(hwnd: THandle; szString: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_INSERT_STRINGA, 0, Longint(szString)); end; procedure Editor_InsertStringW(hwnd: THandle; szString: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_INSERT_STRINGW, 0, Longint(szString)); end; procedure Editor_SetSelView(hwnd: THandle; pptSelStart, pptSelEnd: PPoint); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_SEL_VIEW, Longint(pptSelStart), Longint(pptSelEnd)); end; function Editor_FindA(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFind: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_FINDA, nFlags, Longint(szFind))); end; function Editor_FindW(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFind: PWideChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_FINDW, nFlags, Longint(szFind))); end; function Editor_ReplaceA(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFindReplace: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_REPLACEA, nFlags, Longint(szFindReplace))); end; function Editor_ReplaceW(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword; szFindReplace: PWideChar): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_REPLACEW, nFlags, Longint(szFindReplace))); end; procedure Editor_LoadConfigA(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOAD_CONFIGA, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_LoadConfigW(hwnd: THandle; szConfigName: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_LOAD_CONFIGW, 0, Longint(szConfigName)); end; procedure Editor_SetStatusA(hwnd: THandle; szStatus: PChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_STATUSA, 0, Longint(szStatus)); end; procedure Editor_SetStatusW(hwnd: THandle; szStatus: PWideChar); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_SET_STATUSW, 0, Longint(szStatus)); end; function Editor_Convert(hwnd: THandle; nFlags: Longword): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_CONVERT, nFlags, 0)); end; function Editor_GetMargin(hwnd: THandle): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_MARGIN, 0, 0); end; function Editor_GetVersion(hwnd: THandle): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_VERSION, 0, 0); end; function Editor_GetVersionEx(hwnd: THandle; pnProductType: Longword): Longword; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_VERSION, pnProductType, 0); end; function Editor_GetRef(hwnd: THandle; atom: Longword): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_REF, 0, atom); end; function Editor_AddRef(hwnd: THandle; hInstance : HINST): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_ADD_REF, 0, hInstance); end; function Editor_Release(hwnd: THandle; hInstance : HINST): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_RELEASE, 0, hInstance); end; procedure Editor_Redraw(hwnd: THandle; bRedraw: Boolean); begin SendMessage(hwnd, EE_REDRAW, Longint(bRedraw), 0); end; function Editor_GetSelType(hwnd: THandle): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_GET_SEL_TYPE, 0, 0); end; function Editor_IsCharHalfOrFull(hwnd: THandle; ch:WideChar): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_IS_CHAR_HALF_OR_FULL, Longint(ch), 0); end; function Editor_Info(hwnd: THandle; nCmd: Longint; lParam: Longint): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_INFO, nCmd, lParam); end; function Editor_DocInfo(hwnd: THandle; iDoc: Integer; nCmd: Longint; lParam: Longint): Longint; begin Result := SendMessage(hwnd, EE_INFO, MakeWParam(nCmd, iDoc+1), lParam); end; function Editor_Free(hwnd: THandle; atom: Longword): Boolean; begin Result := Boolean(SendMessage(hwnd, EE_FREE, 0, atom)); end; end.