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#00905 KENCH さんのIEとNCのproxy設定取得

unit proxychk; interface uses SysUtils,Classes,Windows,Registry, HTSearch; //TEditorに付属のコンポーネント type TProxy = record HostName:string; Port:integer; ProxyOn:boolean; end; //関数定義*********************************** procedure FProxyGet(KBN:Char;var Proxy:TProxy); //コンスタント値定義 Const CProIE = 'I'; CProNC = 'N'; implementation function FCut(x:string;cutchar:char;p:integer):string; var i:integer; s:string; c:string; begin c:=cutchar; Result := ''; if p = 0 then exit; if c='' then exit; s:=x; while True do begin p:= p - 1; i:=AnsiPos(c,s); if p = 0 then begin if i > 0 then result := Copy(s,1,i -1) else result := s; break; end else if i = 0 then begin Result := ''; Break; end; s:=Copy(s,i + 1 ,Length(s)); end; end; procedure FProxyGet(KBN:Char;var Proxy:TProxy); var RegPath:string; Reg : TRegistry; i:integer; s,s2:string; buf:array[1..4] of char; Info: TSearchInfo; FSearchOptions: TSearchOptions; StrLst:TStringList; Const CIEHttp = 'http='; CIEProxyENabled = 'ProxyEnable'; CIEProxyServer = 'ProxyServer'; CIERegPath = 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\'; CNCRegPath = 'SOFTWARE\Netscape\Netscape Navigator\'; CNCVersion = 'CurrentVersion'; CNCUsers = 'Users'; CNCUserPath = 'DirRoot'; CNCCurrentUser = 'CurrentUser'; CNCInstall = 'Install Directory'; CNCProxyFileName = 'PREFS.JS'; CNCProxyEnabled = '"network.proxy.type",'; CNCProxyServer = 'network.proxy.http", "'; CNCProxyPort = 'network.proxy.http_port",'; begin Case KBN of CProIE:begin Reg := TRegistry.create; RegPath:=CIERegPath; Try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; Reg.OpenKey(REGPATH, true); if Reg.ValueExists(CIEProxyEnabled) = false then begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; end else begin try Reg.ReadBinaryData(CIEProxyEnabled,buf,4); except //IE5では数字になった(本当はBoolean?) on E: ERegistryException do begin i:=Reg.ReadInteger(CIEProxyEnabled); if i = 1 then buf[1] := chr(1) else buf[1] := chr(0); end; end; //Proxy設定 if buf[1] = Chr(1) then begin Proxy.ProxyOn := True; s:= Reg.ReadString(CIEProxyServer); //全て同じ? info.Start := 0; info.Length :=0; s2:=CIEHttp; FSearchOptions := [sfrDown]; if SearchText(PChar(s),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin //ホスト&Port i:=info.start + info.length + 1; s2:=':'; if SearchText(PChar(s),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin Proxy.HostName := Copy(s,i,info.start - i + 1); i:=info.start + info.length; s2:=';'; if SearchText(PChar(s),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin if trim(copy(s,i+1,info.start - i)) = '' then Proxy.Port := 80 else Proxy.port := strtoint(copy(s,i+1,info.start - i)); end else begin if Trim(Copy(s,i+1,length(s))) = '' then Proxy.Port := 80 else Proxy.Port := strtoint(Copy(s,i+1,length(s))); end; end else begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; end; end else begin //ホスト Proxy.HostName:=FCut(s,':',1); //Port if Trim(FCut(s,':',2)) = '' then Proxy.Port := 80 else Proxy.Port:=strtoint(FCut(s,':',2)); end; end else begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; end; end; Reg.CloseKey; Finally Reg.Free; End; end; CProNC:begin //カレントユーザ取得 Reg := TRegistry.create; StrLst:=TStringList.create; Try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; RegPath:=CNCRegPath + CNCUsers; Reg.OpenKey(RegPath, true); if Reg.ValueExists(CNCCurrentUser) = false then begin //ユーザデータ見つからない場合にはインストールディレクトリ //バージョン情報を取得する Reg.CLoseKey; RegPath:=CNCRegPath; Reg.OpenKey(RegPath,true); if Reg.ValueExists(CNCVersion) = false then begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; Reg.CloseKey; exit; end else begin s2:=Reg.ReadString(CNCVersion); Reg.CloseKey; RegPath := CNCRegPath + s2 + '\Main'; Reg.OpenKey(RegPath,true); if Reg.ValueExists(CNCInstall) = false then begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; Reg.CloseKey; exit; end else begin //デフォルトのユーザパスを取得 s2 := Reg.ReadString(CNCInstall); s:=ExtractFilePath(s2) + CNCUsers + '\Default'; Proxy.ProxyOn := True; end; end; end else begin //ユーザデータがある場合のユーザデータ格納エリア s:= Reg.ReadString(CNCCurrentUser); Reg.CloseKey; RegPath:=CNCRegPath + CNCUsers + '\' + s + '\'; Reg.OpenKey(RegPath,true); if Reg.ValueExists(CNCUserPath) = false then begin proxy.ProxyOn := false; Reg.CloseKey; exit; end else begin s:= Reg.ReadString(CNCUserPath); Proxy.ProxyOn := True; end; end; Reg.CloseKey; //ユーザデータ格納エリア取得 s:=s+'\'+CNCProxyFileName; //プロファイル存在チェック if FileExists(s) = true then begin //プロファイル読み込み StrLst.LoadFromFile(s); //Proxy設定 info.Start := 0; info.Length :=0; s2:=CNCProxyEnabled; FSearchOptions := [sfrDown]; if SearchText(PChar(StrLst.Text),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin i:=info.Start + info.Length; s2:=')'; if SearchText(PChar(StrLst.Text),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin s:=trim(Copy(StrLst.Text,i+1,info.start - i)); if s='' then begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; exit; end else begin Case s[1] of '1':begin //ホスト********************// info.Start := 0; info.Length :=0; s2:=CNCProxyServer; if SearchText(PChar(StrLst.text),info,s2, FSearchOptions) = True then begin i:=info.start + info.length; s2:='"'; if SearchText(PChar( StrLst.text),info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin Proxy.HostName:= trim(Copy(StrLst.Text,i+1, Info.start - i)); //Port info.Start := 0; info.Length :=0; s2:=CNCProxyPort; if SearchText(PChar(StrLst.text), info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin i:=info.start + info.length; s2:=')'; if SearchText( PChar(StrLst.text), info,s2,FSearchOptions) = True then begin s:=Trim(Copy(StrLst.Text, i+1,Info.Start - i)); if s = '' then Proxy.Port := 80 else Proxy.Port := strtoint(s); end else begin Proxy.Port := 80; end; end else begin Proxy.Port := 80; end; end else begin proxy.ProxyOn := false; end; end else begin Proxy.ProxyOn := false; end; end; else Proxy.ProxyOn := false; end; end; end; end; end; Finally StrLst.free; Reg.Free; End; end; end; end; end. Original document by KENCH 氏 ID:(GDH01352)

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