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#00853 牧原 博司   さんのOpenDialogを使ったディレクトリ選択Dlg

こんにちは、牧原 博司 さん。 #00853 OpenDialogを使ったディレクトリ選択Dlg を元にしたコンポです。 不具合等ありましたら、修正してください。 --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit DirDialog; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, FileCtrl; type TDirDialog = class(TOpenDialog) private FIsJustExecute: boolean; // Execute したところか? function GetDirectory: string; protected procedure DoShow; override; procedure DoFolderChange; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function Execute: Boolean; override; published property FileName; property Directory: string read GetDirectory; end; procedure Register; implementation var // 各ハンドル EditHandle, ComboHandle, LabelFNameHandle, LabelFilterHandle, LabelDirHandle, ButtonOpenHandle: Longint; // ******** ここから、EnumChildProc, EnumChildWindows の為の処理 *********** ** function EnumChildProc(const HWND, lParam: Longint): Boolean; stdcall; var cName, cText: array[0..256]of Char; begin Result := True; if (lParam = 1) and (GetClassName(HWND, cName, 255) > 0) then begin // Edit if StrComp('Edit', cName) = 0 then EditHandle := HWND // ComboBox else if (StrComp('ComboBox', cName) = 0) then ComboHandle := HWND // LabelFName else if (StrComp('Static', cName) = 0) and (GetWindowText(HWND, cText, 255) > 0) and (StrComp('ファイル名(&N):', cText) = 0) then LabelFNameHandle := HWND // LabelFilter else if (StrComp('Static', cName) = 0) and (GetWindowText(HWND, cText, 255) > 0) and (StrComp('ファイルの種類(&T):', cText) = 0) then LabelFilterHandle := HWND // LabelDir else if (StrComp('Static', cName) = 0) and (GetWindowText(HWND, cText, 255) > 0) and (StrComp('ファイルの場所(&I):', cText) = 0) then LabelDirHandle := HWND // ButtonOpen else if (StrComp('Button', cName) = 0) and (GetWindowText(HWND, cText, 255) > 0) and (StrComp('開く(&O)', cText) = 0) then ButtonOpenHandle := HWND end; end; function FindEditCombo(const FormHandle: Longint): Boolean; begin // 初期化 Result := False; if IsWindow(FormHandle) then begin EnumChildWindows(FormHandle, @EnumChildProc, 1); if IsWindow(EditHandle) and IsWindow(ComboHandle) and IsWindow(LabelFNameHandle) and IsWindow(LabelFilterHandle) and IsWindow(LabelDirHandle) and IsWindow(ButtonOpenHandle) then Result := True; end; end; constructor TDirDialog.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIsJustExecute := False; FileName := 'Dummy.dat'; Filter := '*.*|*.*'; EditHandle := 0; ComboHandle := 0; LabelFNameHandle := 0; LabelFilterHandle := 0; LabelDirHandle := 0; ButtonOpenHandle := 0; end; procedure TDirDialog.DoShow; var pc: PChar; SelfHandle: integer; begin inherited DoShow; pc := PChar(Self.Title); // ダイアログのハンドルの取得 SelfHandle := FindWindow('#32770', pc); FindEditCombo(SelfHandle); // なぜかこれだとうまくいかない // FindEditCombo(Self.Handle); end; procedure TDirDialog.DoFolderChange; begin inherited DoFolderChange; if FIsJustExecute and IsWindow(EditHandle) and IsWindow(ComboHandle) and IsWindow(LabelFNameHandle) and IsWindow(LabelFilterHandle) and IsWindow(LabelDirHandle) and IsWindow(ButtonOpenHandle) then begin FIsJustExecute := False; ShowWindow(EditHandle,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(ComboHandle,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(LabelFNameHandle,SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(LabelFilterHandle,SW_HIDE); SetWindowText(LabelFNameHandle,PChar('')); // '***(&T)' '***(&T)' SetWindowText(LabelFilterHandle,PChar('')); // を無視するように空文字に しておく SetWindowText(LabelDirHandle,PChar('フォルダの場所(&I)')); SetWindowText(ButtonOpenHandle,PChar('OK')); end; end; function TDirDialog.Execute: Boolean; begin FIsJustExecute := True; if Title='' then Title := 'フォルダの選択'; Result := inherited Execute; end; function TDirDialog.GetDirectory: string; begin if FileName<>'' then Result := ExtractFileDir(FileName) else Result := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName); if not DirectoryExists(Result) then Result := ExtractFileDir(Application.ExeName); end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TDirDialog]); end; end. --------------------------------------------------------------------- // 使い方 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if DirDialog1.Execute then Label1.Caption := DirDialog1.Directory; end; 牧原博司 hiroshi.makihara@nifty.ne.jp - 99/09/20 (Mon) 23:27 - Original document by 牧原 博司   氏 ID:(QZS03450)

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