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"QuickReport 用 斜線コンポーネント"

#00978 らせん企画 さん RE:QuickReport 用 斜線コンポーネント

QuickReport で斜線を書くコンポーネントです。 unit QRDiagonal; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, QuickRpt, Qrctrls; type TLinePos = (lpLeftTop, lpRightTop, lpLeftBottom, lpRightBottom); TQRDiagonal = Class(TQRShape) Private Function SetPoint(pPos: TLinePos; pRect: TRect): TPoint; Protected FPos1, FPos2: TLinePos; Procedure SetPos1(pPos: TLinePos); Procedure SetPos2(pPos: TLinePos); Procedure Paint; Override; Procedure Print(OfsX, OfsY: Integer); Override; Published Property Pos1: TLinePos Read FPos1 Write SetPos1; Property Pos2: TLinePos Read FPos2 Write SetPos2; End; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('QReport', [TQRDiagonal]); end; Procedure TQRDiagonal.Paint; Var wPos1, wPos2: TPoint; wRect: TRect; Begin Inherited; With Self.Canvas Do Begin wRect := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); FillRect(wRect); wPos1 := SetPoint(FPos1, wRect); wPos2 := SetPoint(FPos2, wRect); MoveTo(wPos1.x, wPos1.y); LineTo(wPos2.x, wPos2.y); End; End; Procedure TQRDiagonal.Print(OfsX, OfsY: Integer); Var wPos1, wPos2: TPoint; wRect: TRect; Begin Inherited; If Self.QRPrinter.Canvas = nil Then Exit; With Self.QRPrinter.Canvas Do Begin wRect := Rect((Parent as TQRBand).Left + Left - 1 , (Parent as TQRBand).Top + Top - 1 , (Parent as TQRBand).Left + Left + Width , (Parent as TQRBand).Top + Top + Height); FillRect(wRect); wPos1 := SetPoint(FPos1, wRect); wPos2 := SetPoint(FPos2, wRect); MoveTo(wPos1.x, wPos1.y); LineTo(wPos2.x, wPos2.y); End; End; Procedure TQRDiagonal.SetPos1(pPos: TLinePos); Begin FPos1 := pPos; Paint; End; Procedure TQRDiagonal.SetPos2(pPos: TLinePos); Begin FPos2 := pPos; Paint; End; Function TQRDiagonal.SetPoint(pPos: TLinePos; pRect: TRect): TPoint; Begin Case pPos Of lpRightTop: Result := Point(pRect.Right - 1, pRect.Top); lpLeftBottom: Result := Point(pRect.Left, pRect.Bottom - 1); lpRightBottom: Result := Point(pRect.Right - 1, pRect.Bottom - 1); Else Result := Point(pRect.Left, pRect.Top); End; End; end. 99/11/16(Tue) 01:40pm BYQ05322 らせん企画の佐々木 Original document by らせん企画 氏 ID:(BYQ05322)

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