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"再訂正(ビットマップ→アイコン ファイル)"

#01144 ぜえた さんの訂正(ビットマップ→アイコン ファイル)

TransparentColorが clBlack以外だとおかしくなるのを修正しました。 procedure SaveBitmapToStreamAsIcon(Bitmap: TBitmap; Stream: TStream); を、次のように置き換えてください。 procedure SaveBitmapToStreamAsIcon(Bitmap: TBitmap; Stream: TStream); const CI: TCursorOrIcon = (Reserved: 0; wType: rc3_Icon; Count: 1); MaxBitmapInfoSize = SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * 256; var ColorInfoSize: Integer; ColorImageSize: Integer; MaskInfoSize: Integer; MaskImageSize: Integer; ColorCount: Integer; Size: Integer; Buf: Pointer; IconRec: PIconRec; ColorInfo: PBitmapInfo; ColorImage: Pointer; MaskImage: Pointer; TransparentColorReplacedBitmap: TBitmap; R: TRect; MaskInfo: array[0..MaxBitmapInfoSize-1] of Byte; begin GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.Handle, ColorInfoSize, ColorImageSize); GetDIBSizes(Bitmap.MaskHandle, MaskInfoSize, MaskImageSize); Size := SizeOf(TCursorOrIcon) + SizeOf(TIconRec) + ColorInfoSize + ColorImageSize + MaskImageSize; Buf := AllocMem(Size); try Integer(IconRec) := Integer(Buf) + SizeOf(TCursorOrIcon); Integer(ColorInfo) := Integer(IconRec) + SizeOf(TIconRec); Integer(ColorImage) := Integer(ColorInfo) + ColorInfoSize; Integer(MaskImage) := Integer(ColorImage) + ColorImageSize; PCursorOrIcon(Buf)^ := CI; TransparentColorReplacedBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try with TransparentColorReplacedBitmap do begin Assign(Bitmap); R := Rect(0, 0, Width, Height); Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; Canvas.BrushCopy(R, Bitmap, R, Bitmap.TransparentColor); GetDIB(Handle, Palette, ColorInfo^, ColorImage^); end; finally TransparentColorReplacedBitmap.Free; end; GetDIB(Bitmap.MaskHandle, 0, MaskInfo, MaskImage^); with IconRec^, ColorInfo^.bmiHeader do begin if (biWidth >= 1) and (biWidth < 256) then Width := biWidth; if (biHeight >= 1) and (biHeight < 256) then Height := biHeight; ColorCount := 1 shl (biPlanes * biBitCount); if (ColorCount >= 1) and (ColorCount < 256) then Colors := ColorCount; Planes := biPlanes; BitCount := biBitCount; DIBSize := ColorInfoSize + ColorImageSize + MaskImageSize; DIBOffset := SizeOf(TCursorOrIcon) + SizeOf(TIconRec); end; with PBitmapInfoHeader(ColorInfo)^ do biHeight := biHeight * 2; Stream.WriteBuffer(Buf^, Size); finally FreeMem(Buf); end; end; ぜえた (QZC05100)  Original document by ぜえた 氏 ID:(QZC05100)

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