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#01230 かとちん さん RE:グリッド点の描画コンポーネント

TPaintBoxを継承した一定間隔の点を描画するコンポーネントです。 グラフィカルなエディタを作るときの背景に使えるかもしれません。 まだ無駄がありそうですが、とりあえず公開します。 ほとんど会議室で教えいていただいたコードをまとめただけです(^_^; unit PaintBoxG; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TPaintBoxGrid = class(TPaintBox) private { Private 宣言 } PGridVisible:Boolean; PGridColor:TColor; PGridSize:integer; PGridInterval:integer; PGridBMP:TBitMap; destructor Destroy;override; procedure FGridVisible(Value:Boolean); procedure FGridColor(Value:TColor); procedure FGridSize(Value:integer); procedure FGridInterval(Value:integer); procedure FMakeGridBmp; procedure FPaintGrid; procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_Paint; protected { Protected 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);override; published { Published 宣言 } property GridVisible:Boolean Read PGridVisible Write FGridVisible; property GridColor:TColor Read PGridColor Write FGridColor; property GridSize:integer Read PGridSize Write FGridSize; property GridInterval:integer Read PGridInterval Write FGridInterval; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure TPaintBoxGrid.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); begin inherited; FPaintGrid; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FMakeGridBmp; var x, y: Integer; begin if (PGridInterval < 2) or (PGridInterval > 128) then exit; PGridBmp.Width := 128; PGridBmp.Height := 128; with PGridBmp.Canvas do begin Brush.Color := clWhite; Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect( Rect( 0, 0, 128, 128 ) ); Brush.Color := PGridColor; if PGridVisible then begin for y := 0 to (128 div PGridInterval) do for x := 0 to (128 div PGridInterval) do // Pixels[x * PGridWidth, y * PGridHeight] := PGridColor; FillRect(Rect(x * PGridInterval, y * PGridInterval, x * PGridInterval+PGridSize, y * PGridInterval+PGridSize)); end; end; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FPaintGrid; var x, y: Integer; Step: Integer; LoopX, LoopY: Integer; SvCopyMode: Integer; rc: TRect; begin if Parent = nil then exit; with Self.Canvas do begin if PGridVisible then begin Step := (128 div PGridInterval) * PGridInterval; LoopX := (Width{ClientWidth} div Step) + Integer((Width{ClientWidth} mod Step) <> 0); LoopY := (Height{ClientHeight} div Step) + Integer((Height{ClientHeight} mod Step) <> 0); SvCopyMode := CopyMode; try CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; for y := 0 to LoopY do begin for x := 0 to LoopX do begin rc.Left := x *Step; rc.Top := y *Step; rc.Right := (x+1)*Step; rc.Bottom := (y+1)*Step; CopyRect(rc, PGridBmp.Canvas, Rect(0,0,Step,Step)); end; end; finally CopyMode := SvCopyMode; end; end; end; end; destructor TPaintBoxGrid.Destroy; begin PGridBmp.Free; inherited; end; constructor TPaintBoxGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); // override; begin inherited; PGridVisible := True; PGridColor := clBlack; PGridSize := 1; PGridInterval := 6; PGridBmp := TBitMap.Create; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FGridVisible(Value:Boolean); begin PGridVisible := Value; if PGridVisible Then begin FMakeGridBmp; FPaintGrid; end; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FGridColor(Value:TColor); begin PGridColor := Value; if PGridVisible Then begin FMakeGridBmp; FPaintGrid; end; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FGridSize(Value:Integer); begin PGridSize := Value; if PGridVisible Then begin FMakeGridBmp; FPaintGrid; end; end; procedure TPaintBoxGrid.FGridInterval(Value:Integer); begin PGridInterval := Value; if PGridVisible Then begin FMakeGridBmp; FPaintGrid; end; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('MyComp', [TPaintBoxGrid]); end; end. ー以上ー              kench@nifty.ne.jp KENCH/平内健一 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ミ☆キラッ!  Original document by KENCH 氏 ID:(GDH01352)

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