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#01318 かつぼー さんの斜線鎖線極細極太色付文字間隔LightReport1

#01320 かつぼー さん 斜線鎖線極細極太色付文字間隔LightReport3

procedure TLineLeftStyleObject. DrawLine(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; APrintScale: Double); var offset, startX, startY, endY: Integer; y, line, gap: Double; begin if FWidth <= 0 then Exit; if (FLine > 0) and (FLine <= 0) then Exit; with ACanvas.Pen do begin Style := psSolid; Color := FColor; Width := RoundOff(APrintScale * FWidth); end; if (csDesigning in FParent.ComponentState) then offset := 0 else offset := RoundOff(APrintScale); with ARect do begin startX := Left - offset; startY := Top - offset; endY := Bottom; end; with ACanvas do begin MoveTo(startX, startY); if FGap <= 0 then LineTo(startX, endY) else begin y := 0; line := FLine * APrintScale; gap := FGap * APrintScale; while (startY + y) < endY do begin y := y + line; LineTo(startX, Min(RoundOff(startY + y), endY)); y := y + gap; MoveTo(startX, RoundOff(startY + y)); end; end; end; end; procedure TLineRightStyleObject. DrawLine(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; APrintScale: Double); var offset, startX, startY, endY: Integer; y, line, gap: Double; begin if FWidth <= 0 then Exit; if (FLine > 0) and (FLine <= 0) then Exit; with ACanvas.Pen do begin Style := psSolid; Color := FColor; Width := RoundOff(APrintScale * FWidth); end; if (csDesigning in FParent.ComponentState) then offset := 0 else offset := RoundOff(APrintScale); with ARect do begin startX := Right; startY := Top - offset; endY := Bottom; end; with ACanvas do begin MoveTo(startX, startY); if FGap <= 0 then LineTo(startX, endY) else begin y := 0; line := FLine * APrintScale; gap := FGap * APrintScale; while (startY + y) < endY do begin y := y + line; LineTo(startX, Min(RoundOff(startY + y), endY)); y := y + gap; MoveTo(startX, RoundOff(startY + y)); end; end; end; end; procedure TLineBottomStyleObject. DrawLine(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; APrintScale: Double); var offset, startX, startY, endX: Integer; x, line, gap: Double; begin if FWidth <= 0 then Exit; if (FLine > 0) and (FLine <= 0) then Exit; with ACanvas.Pen do begin Style := psSolid; Color := FColor; Width := RoundOff(APrintScale * FWidth); end; if (csDesigning in FParent.ComponentState) then offset := 0 else offset := RoundOff(APrintScale); with ARect do begin startX := Left - offset; startY := Bottom; endX := Right; end; with ACanvas do begin MoveTo(startX, startY); if FGap <= 0 then LineTo(endX, startY) else begin x := 0; line := FLine * APrintScale; gap := FGap * APrintScale; while (startX + x) < endX do begin x := x + line; LineTo(Min(RoundOff(startX + x), endX), startY); x := x + gap; MoveTo(RoundOff(startX + x), startY); end; end; end; end; procedure TLineLeftTopToRightBottomStyleObject. DrawLine(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; APrintScale: Double); var offset: Integer; startX, startY: Integer; endX, endY: Integer; x, y: Double; line, gap: Double; diagonalL: Double; parX, parY: Double; begin if FWidth <= 0 then Exit; if (FLine > 0) and (FLine <= 0) then Exit; with ACanvas.Pen do begin Style := psSolid; Color := FColor; Width := RoundOff(APrintScale * FWidth); end; if (csDesigning in FParent.ComponentState) then offset := 0 else offset := RoundOff(APrintScale); with ARect do begin startX := Left - offset; startY := Top - offset; endX := Right; endY := Bottom; end; diagonalL := Sqrt(Sqr(endX - startX) + Sqr(endY - startY)); parX := (endX - startX) / diagonalL; parY := (endY - startY) / diagonalL; with ACanvas do begin MoveTo(startX, startY); if FGap <= 0 then LineTo(endX, startY) else begin x := 0; y := 0; line := FLine * APrintScale; gap := FGap * APrintScale; while ((startX + x * parX) < endX) and ((startY + y * parY) < endY) do begin x := x + line; y := y + line; LineTo(Min(RoundOff(startX + x * parX), endX), Min(RoundOff(startY + y * parY), endY)); x := x + gap; y := y + gap; MoveTo(RoundOff(startX + x * parX), RoundOff(startY + y * parY)); end; end; end; end; procedure TLineRightTopToLeftBottomStyleObject. DrawLine(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; APrintScale: Double); var offset: Integer; startX, startY: Integer; endX, endY: Integer; x, y: Double; line, gap: Double; diagonalL: Double; parX, parY: Double; begin if FWidth <= 0 then Exit; if (FLine > 0) and (FLine <= 0) then Exit; with ACanvas.Pen do begin Style := psSolid; Color := FColor; Width := RoundOff(APrintScale * FWidth); end; if (csDesigning in FParent.ComponentState) then offset := 0 else offset := RoundOff(APrintScale); with ARect do begin startX := Left - offset; startY := Bottom; endX := Right; endY := Top - offset; end; diagonalL := Sqrt(Sqr(endX - startX) + Sqr(endY - startY)); parX := (endX - startX) / diagonalL; parY := (endY - startY) / diagonalL; with ACanvas do begin MoveTo(startX, startY); if FGap <= 0 then LineTo(endX, startY) else begin x := 0; y := 0; line := FLine * APrintScale; gap := FGap * APrintScale; while ((startX + x * parX) < endX) and ((startY + y * parY) > endY) do begin x := x + line; y := y + line; LineTo(Min(RoundOff(startX + x * parX), endX), Max(RoundOff(startY + y * parY), endY)); x := x + gap; y := y + gap; MoveTo(RoundOff(startX + x * parX), RoundOff(startY + y * parY)); end; end; end; end; { TLRItemExt } constructor TLRItemExt.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FLineTopStyle := TLineTopStyleObject.Create(Self); FLineRightStyle := TLineRightStyleObject.Create(Self); FLineLeftStyle := TLineLeftStyleObject.Create(Self); FLineBottomStyle := TLineBottomStyleObject.Create(Self); FLineLeftTopToRightBottomStyle := TLineLeftTopToRightBottomStyleObject.Create(Self); FLineRightTopToLeftBottomStyle := TLineRightTopToLeftBottomStyleObject.Create(Self); FHMargin := 2; FVMargin := 2; FTransparent := True; FIsDrawText := True; FIsDrawLine := True; Color := clWhite; end; destructor TLRItemExt.Destroy; begin FLineTopStyle.Free; FLineRightStyle.Free; FLineLeftStyle.Free; FLineBottomStyle.Free; FLineLeftTopToRightBottomStyle.Free; FLineRightTopToLeftBottomStyle.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TLRItemExt.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin Invalidate; end;  Original document by かつぼー 氏 ID:(CQU00157)

ここにあるドキュメントは NIFTY SERVEの Delphi Users' Forum の16番会議室「玉石混淆みんなで作るSample蔵」に投稿されたサンプルです。これらのサンプルはボーランド株式会社がサポートする公式のものではありません。また、必ずしも動作が検証されているものではありません。これらのサンプルを使用したことに起因するいかなる損害も投稿者、およびフォーラムスタッフはその責めを負いません。使用者のリスクの範疇でご使用下さい。

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