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"RE:高速文字列検索(BM法) Unit 後半"

#01373 ぜえた さんの高速文字列検索(BM法)

function TStringSearch.NSearch(StrStart, StrEnd: PChar): PChar; register; asm push esi push edi push ebx sub esp, 8 mov edi, eax mov esi, edx mov [esp], ecx mov edx, [edi].TStringSearch.FPattern mov eax, [edx - 4] dec eax add esi, eax mov bl, [edx + eax] dec eax xor ecx, ecx mov [esp + 4], eax @@OuterLoop: cmp esi, [esp] jae @@NotFound mov cl, [esi] cmp cl, bl jne @@NotMatchLastChar @@MatchLastChar: mov eax, [esp + 4] @@InnerLoop: dec esi mov cl, [edx + eax] cmp cl, [esi] jne @@NotMatchChar @@MatchChar: dec eax jge @@InnerLoop @@Found: mov eax, esi add esp, 8 pop ebx pop edi pop esi ret @@NotMatchChar: mov ecx, [edi].TStringSearch.FNextTable add esi, [ecx + eax * 4] xor ecx, ecx jmp @@OuterLoop @@NotMatchLastChar: add esi, dword ptr[edi + ecx * 4].TStringSearch.FSkipTable jmp @@OuterLoop @@NotFound: xor eax, eax add esp, 8 pop ebx pop edi pop esi end; function TStringSearch.NISearch(StrStart, StrEnd: PChar): PChar; register; asm push esi push edi push ebx sub esp, 8 mov edi, eax mov esi, edx mov [esp], ecx mov edx, [edi].TStringSearch.FPattern mov eax, [edx - 4] dec eax add esi, eax mov bl, [edx + eax] dec eax xor ecx, ecx mov [esp + 4], eax @@OuterLoop: cmp esi, [esp] jae @@NotFound mov cl, [esi] mov cl, byte ptr CharTable[ecx] cmp cl, bl jne @@NotMatchLastChar @@MatchLastChar: mov eax, [esp + 4] @@InnerLoop: dec esi mov cl, [esi] mov cl, byte ptr CharTable[ecx] cmp cl, [edx + eax] jne @@NotMatchChar @@MatchChar: dec eax jge @@InnerLoop @@Found: mov eax, esi add esp, 8 pop ebx pop edi pop esi ret @@NotMatchChar: mov ecx, [edi].TStringSearch.FNextTable add esi, [ecx + eax * 4] xor ecx, ecx jmp @@OuterLoop @@NotMatchLastChar: add esi, dword ptr[edi + ecx * 4].TStringSearch.FSkipTable jmp @@OuterLoop @@NotFound: xor eax, eax add esp, 8 pop ebx pop edi pop esi end; function TStringSearch.AnsiSearch(StrStart, StrEnd: PChar): PChar; register; var ByteType : TMbcsByteType; begin while True do begin Result := FInnerSearch(StrStart, StrEnd); if Result = nil then Exit; ByteType := StrByteType(StrStart, Result - StrStart); if ByteType <> mbTrailByte then Exit; Inc(Result); StrStart := Result; end; end; procedure TStringSearch.InitAnsiTable; var Patterns: array[0..1] of string; L: Integer; c: Char; i: Integer; j, k: Integer; s, t: PAnsiStringSearchState; d: Integer; f: Boolean; begin if ssFileName in FOptions then begin Patterns[0] := AnsiLowerCaseFileName(FPattern); Patterns[1] := AnsiUpperCaseFileName(FPattern); end else begin Patterns[0] := AnsiLowerCase(FPattern); Patterns[1] := AnsiUpperCase(FPattern); end; L := Length(FPattern); for c := #0 to #255 do FSkipTable[c] := L; for i := 1 to L - 1 do for j := 0 to 1 do FSkipTable[Patterns[j][i]] := L - i; GetMem(FAnsiNextTable, SizeOf(TAnsiStringSearchState) * (L+1) * 2); for k := 0 to 1 do FAnsiNextTable^[k].Fail := nil; f := False; for i := 1 to L do begin d := L - i; f := (not f) and (FPattern[i] in LeadBytes); for j := 0 to 1 do begin with FAnsiNextTable^[d*2+j] do begin Next := L + d; Skip := Next; Depth := d; if f then begin Ch[0] := Patterns[j][i]; Trans[0] := @FAnsiNextTable^[d*2+2+j]; Ch[1] := Ch[0]; Trans[1] := Trans[0]; end else begin Ch[0] := Patterns[0][i]; Trans[0] := @FAnsiNextTable^[d*2+2]; Ch[1] := Patterns[1][i]; Trans[1] := @FAnsiNextTable^[d*2+3]; end; end; end; end; for k := L*2 to L*2+1 do FAnsiNextTable^[k].Depth := L; for k := 0 to L*2-1 do begin with FAnsiNextTable^[k] do begin for j := 0 to 1 do begin s := Fail; while (s <> nil) and (s^.Ch[0] <> Ch[j]) and (s^.Ch[1] <> Ch[j]) do begin UpdateMin(s^.Next, Depth); s := s^.Fail; end; if s = nil then begin Trans[j]^.Fail := @FAnsiNextTable^[j]; end else if s^.Ch[0] = Ch[j] then begin Trans[j]^.Fail := s^.Trans[0]; end else begin Trans[j]^.Fail := s^.Trans[1]; end; end; end; end; for j := 0 to 1 do begin t := @FAnsiNextTable^[L*2+j]; s := t^.Fail; while True do begin if s = nil then Break; s^.Skip := t^.Depth; s := s^.Fail; end; end; for k := 0 to L*2-1 do begin with FAnsiNextTable^[k] do begin UpdateMin(Trans[0]^.Skip, Skip + 1); UpdateMin(Trans[1]^.Skip, Skip + 1); UpdateMin(Next, Skip); end; end; for k := L*2-2 to L*2-1 do begin FAnsiNextTable^[k].Trans[0] := nil; FAnsiNextTable^[k].Trans[1] := nil; end; end; function TStringSearch.AISearch(StrStart, StrEnd: PChar): PChar; register; var s0, s: PAnsiStringSearchState; begin Result := StrStart + Length(FPattern) - 1; s0 := @FAnsiNextTable^[0]; while Result < StrEnd do begin s := s0; if Result^ = s^.Ch[0] then begin s := s^.Trans[0]; end else if Result^ = s^.Ch[1] then begin s := s^.Trans[1]; end else begin Inc(Result, FSkipTable[Result^]); Continue; end; while True do begin Dec(Result); if Result^ = s^.Ch[0] then begin s := s^.Trans[0]; if s = nil then Exit; end else if Result^ = s^.Ch[1] then begin s := s^.Trans[1]; if s = nil then Exit; end else begin Inc(Result, s^.Next); Break; end; end; end; Result := nil; end; procedure InitCharTable; var c: Char; begin for c := #0 to #255 do CharTable[c] := c; for c := 'a' to 'z' do Dec(CharTable[c], $20); end; initialization InitCharTable; end.  - FDELPHI MES(16):玉石混淆みんなで作るSample蔵【見本蓄積】 01/08/08 - Original document by ぜえた 氏 ID:(QZC05100)

ここにあるドキュメントは NIFTY SERVEの Delphi Users' Forum の16番会議室「玉石混淆みんなで作るSample蔵」に投稿されたサンプルです。これらのサンプルはボーランド株式会社がサポートする公式のものではありません。また、必ずしも動作が検証されているものではありません。これらのサンプルを使用したことに起因するいかなる損害も投稿者、およびフォーラムスタッフはその責めを負いません。使用者のリスクの範疇でご使用下さい。

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